Emerald Technology News

Why Do Employers Hire Foreign Workers?

Written by Cleo Coates | Oct 13, 2023 1:43:53 PM

We've all been in those meetings, brainstorming sessions where a fresh perspective, a unique skill or a different approach might have cracked the problem wide open. This could be considered the quick and easy answer to the question: "Why do employers hire foreign workers?" — but the reality is a lot more complicated. For many, it's not about filling gaps haphazardly but about enriching the fabric of their corporate tapestry with diverse talents, insights and experiences.

It's undeniable that globalisation has significantly transformed the way we do business. By harnessing the strength of a global talent pool, businesses can foster innovation, tap into niche skills and create products or services that cater to a global audience. Having a diversified workforce can be a strategic move to compete in the global marketplace, ensuring that companies stay relevant and resilient amidst evolving industry demands.

As you explore this article, you'll uncover the multifaceted reasons behind this hiring trend and learn how to navigate its complexities. By the end, you'll not only grasp the rationale behind hiring foreign talents but also be equipped to make informed decisions that can shape the future trajectory of your business.


Advantages of Hiring Foreign Workers

Adding foreign talent to your workforce enriches your business with diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives. Such a strategy addresses specific business needs and prepares the enterprise for future challenges. By understanding these advantages, businesses can sculpt a holistic approach, positioning themselves for long-term success and sustainability. 

Let's explore the numerous benefits of hiring foreign workers:


1. Access to a broader talent pool

Talent knows no geographical bounds. By broadening your recruitment horizons organisations open themselves up to more candidates and a richer tapestry of skills and experiences. Take, for instance, London's thriving tech firms; while local talent is undeniably strong, there's a wealth of software engineering expertise in regions like Eastern Europe and Asia, where particular emphasis is placed on technological disciplines in education.

To harness the potential of the global talent landscape, companies should consider strategies such as utilising international job boards and collaborating with overseas recruitment agencies. These methods can optimise the search for international expertise.


2. Cost savings

At first glance, it may seem that hiring foreign workers might escalate costs, but the reality often paints a different picture. In many sectors, sourcing professionals from regions with a lower cost of living can lead to significant savings. An enterprise could offer a competitive package that is appealing to a candidate from abroad and still realise a cost benefit compared to hiring locally.

Consider it this way: acquiring quality often comes at a price, but by exploring global markets, businesses can often find the same quality at a more economical rate. It's a matter of understanding the global economic landscape and adjusting hiring strategies accordingly.


3. Diversification and global perspective

Every individual brings their unique background, culture and experiences into the professional arena. This tapestry of perspectives can be a game-changer when targeting global markets or diverse audiences. For instance, if a UK-based firm is looking to make inroads into the Middle East, having team members familiar with the region's nuances can guide and refine strategy, ensuring a successful expansion.

With global giants like Google and Meta, their worldwide success can be partly attributed to the cultural diversity in their teams. By embracing different backgrounds, they can effectively cater to the distinct needs of varied markets.


4. Filling labour market shortages

Labour market shortages can be a thorny issue, differing from one sector to another and from one region to the next. By casting a wider net, businesses can effectively bridge these gaps, ensuring they have the right talent at the right time. A pertinent illustration of this is the UK's National Health Service (NHS), which has consistently leveraged international talent to address the country's ever-growing healthcare demands.

Staying attuned to labour trends, both at home and abroad, can be a game-changer. Proactively anticipating talent needs ensures that a business remains operational and competitive, even when faced with local talent droughts.


5. Flexibility and adaptability

One of the standout traits of foreign workers is their adaptability. Having already made significant life changes to work in a new country, they often bring a fresh, adaptive perspective to problem-solving. This adaptability is invaluable in business scenarios where a different approach or perspective is needed.

Think of multinational consultancy firms. Their success in diverse markets, from New York to Johannesburg, can be attributed to their pool of adaptable talent, ready to provide solutions tailored to each unique environment.


Disadvantages of Hiring Foreign Workers

While the allure of a global talent pool presents undeniable advantages, it also comes with its set of challenges that businesses must be prepared to address. Understanding these potential pitfalls is crucial for risk mitigation and ensures that organisations can forge ahead with clarity. Businesses can turn challenges into opportunities by acknowledging and navigating these disadvantages adeptly. 

Let's look into some of these considerations:


1. Cultural and communication barriers

Diverse teams often mean a melange of cultural backgrounds, each with its unique communication style and work ethic. While this diversity can be a strength, it might initially pose challenges in terms of misunderstandings or misinterpretations. For instance, certain gestures or phrases acceptable in one culture might be deemed inappropriate or confusing in another.

Businesses can counteract this by investing in cross-cultural training programmes. By fostering a deeper understanding among team members, firms can ensure that cultural differences become a source of strength rather than a stumbling block.


2. Potential for exploitation

Tapping into global talent sometimes involves navigating disparities in pay expectations and living standards. There's an inherent risk that businesses might unintentionally offer lower wages or fewer benefits, which could be exploitative. This raises ethical questions and can tarnish the brand's reputation.

To safeguard against this, businesses should meticulously understand international compensation standards. Offering competitive salaries and benefits helps businesses attract top talent and establish themselves as ethical, responsible employers.


3. Integration and onboarding challenges

Integrating foreign workers into a new organisational structure can be more intricate than onboarding local hires. Differences in professional norms, expectations or even simple workplace customs may exist. Think of a foreign worker used to lengthy lunch breaks as a norm, finding themselves in a UK firm where quick sandwich breaks are more common.

A robust and tailored onboarding programme can bridge this gap. Personalised induction sessions, mentorship schemes and regular check-ins can ensure foreign hires acclimate smoothly, allowing them to contribute effectively from the outset.


4. Legal and bureaucratic hurdles

Finding the right foreign talent to fill a position gets complicated by the complexities of immigration policies, work authorisations and visas. The legal landscape can be complex, with requirements shifting based on bilateral relations, trade agreements or even political climates.

Seeking expert advice in these matters is paramount. Collaborating with immigration consultants or legal experts can help businesses stay compliant, ensuring a seamless hiring process and safeguarding against potential legal complications.


5. Possible community or employee backlash

Introducing foreign talent into the workforce can occasionally be met with resistance, stemming from misconceptions or fears about job security among existing employees. There might be concerns about potential wage suppression or a perceived threat to local job opportunities.

Transparent communication is the key. Fostering understanding and unity among teams can be achieved by keeping employees informed of the reasoning behind hiring decisions and emphasising the overall benefits for the organisation.


6 Reasons Why Companies Hire Foreigners

With globalisation continuing to thrive, it’s no wonder that businesses find themselves looking beyond their national borders to source talent. The rationale behind such decisions is multifaceted, driven by both strategic imperatives and evolving corporate values. Delving into the reasons can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of contemporary business environments. 

Let's explore the driving forces behind this trend:


To meet specific skill requirements

The global talent pool is vast and varied and certain skill sets may be more prevalent or refined in specific regions. Consider, for instance, the proficiency in certain IT skills from countries with strong technological infrastructures and education systems. Hiring foreigners can be the solution when there's a shortage of a particular expertise domestically.

Looking to Silicon Valley, many tech giants regularly recruit specialists from around the world, recognising that innovation knows no borders.


Economic considerations

At times, the decision to hire from abroad is driven by economic imperatives. This isn't merely about cost-saving but also about gaining value. A foreign professional might bring a unique combination of skills to the table, justifying their remuneration and often offering more in terms of productivity or innovation.

Think of it as acquiring a multifunctional gadget. While the initial investment might be substantial, the diverse functionalities it offers provide comprehensive value.


Diversification strategy

Diversification is a key principle in many business strategies, whether it's in terms of products, markets or talent. A diverse team, with members from different backgrounds, can approach challenges from various angles, fostering innovative solutions.

Take the financial sector, for example. Banks with a global clientele benefit from having a team that understands the cultural nuances of their international customers, providing a tailored and effective service.


Global expansion plans

As businesses set their sights on foreign markets, having team members familiar with those regions becomes invaluable. Foreign employees can be instrumental in understanding consumer behaviour, navigating local regulations or building relationships with local partners.

A footwear brand aiming to launch in Southeast Asia would benefit immensely from a team member understanding the region's fashion preferences, climate considerations and shopping behaviours.


Fulfilment of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

CSR initiatives have become a cornerstone for modern businesses and hiring foreign talent can be a part of this strategy. By providing opportunities to individuals from less privileged backgrounds or regions, companies tap into untapped talent and contribute positively to global socio-economic dynamics.

Major corporations partnering with refugee programmes to provide employment opportunities is a testament to how talent sourcing can align with CSR objectives.


Promotion of workplace diversity and inclusion

A commitment to diversity and inclusion is more than a corporate buzzword; it's a genuine strategy to foster creativity, empathy and adaptability. Companies prioritising a diverse workforce acknowledge the myriad benefits such diverse teams bring, from varied problem-solving approaches to a more harmonious workplace environment.

Reflect on global conglomerates that consistently rank high in 'best places to work' lists. Their commitment to a diverse and inclusive environment often stands out as a key factor in their success.


Tips for Efficient Workforce Management

Balancing the needs of the business with those of employees, especially when navigating the complexities of a global team, demands a nuanced approach. Strategic management techniques allow businesses to not only boost productivity but also develop a highly engaged, committed and hardy staff.

Let's explore some pivotal strategies to achieve this.


1. Implement advanced workforce analytics

Harnessing the power of data is paramount in today's digital age, especially when businesses want to optimise without falling into the trap of biases. Advanced workforce analytics offer a lens into a team's performance, preferences and potential areas of improvement. By assessing these metrics, businesses can anticipate challenges, identify opportunities for upskilling and optimise team dynamics for maximum efficiency.

Consider a multinational enterprise with teams scattered across time zones. Analytics allows them to streamline processes, making the most of overlapped shifts and ensuring seamless handoffs.


2. Promote continuous learning and development

Static skill sets can be a liability. An organisation's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges depends on the degree to which it fosters a culture of continuous employee learning and development. Furthermore, offering opportunities for growth can also enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

A tech firm that regularly provides its team access to the latest courses on emerging technologies will invariably stay ahead of the curve, with employees ready to implement the newest innovations.


3. Foster open communication and feedback

Open channels of communication are the arteries of a healthy organisation. Encouraging transparent dialogue ensures that employees feel heard and provides management with invaluable insights from the ground. Regular feedback sessions, both formal and informal, can lead to a more harmonious and efficient work environment.

Reflect upon a scenario where a team member identifies a recurring bottleneck in a project pipeline. This insight can be swiftly acted upon through open communication, streamlining operations and enhancing project turnaround times.


4. Engage an EOR

Partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR) can be a game-changer, especially for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions or those looking to test new markets without a full-scale commitment. An EOR manages employment-related responsibilities, ensuring compliance with local labour laws and freeing the company to focus on its core operations.

Imagine a UK-based tech company keen to expand its footprint in South America. By engaging an EOR, they can efficiently hire local talent, confident that all regulatory and administrative responsibilities are expertly handled.


How an EOR Can Help You Hire Foreign Talent

Expanding operations internationally and hiring foreign talent can be both an exciting opportunity and a complex challenge for businesses. Amidst the vast potential lies intricate legal, financial and operational considerations. Engaging an EOR is akin to having a seasoned local guide while trekking unfamiliar terrains. With their expertise, businesses can focus on their core operations and growth strategies, confident that the complexities of international hiring are in expert hands.

Let's delve into the manifold benefits of engaging an EOR.


Streamlining legal and compliance processes

Navigating the legal intricacies of a foreign land can be daunting. Each country has unique labour laws, tax implications and employment regulations. An EOR, with its expertise in local legal landscapes, ensures that all employment-related activities adhere strictly to local guidelines, mitigating potential risks.

Consider the complexity of hiring in a country with stringent employment protection laws. A company can confidently hire with an EOR's guidance, knowing they are fully compliant and shielded from potential legal pitfalls.


Cost-efficiency and financial management

Financial management, especially in unfamiliar territories, often poses significant challenges. Fluctuating exchange rates, diverse banking systems and varying tax regulations can make payroll and benefits management herculean. An EOR offers comprehensive financial solutions, ensuring employees are compensated accurately, timely and in line with local norms.

For instance, a company planning to set up a team in a country with a multi-tiered tax system can rely on an EOR to handle all financial intricacies. This ensures that the company's financial commitments remain transparent, predictable and devoid of unexpected surprises.


Enhanced flexibility in workforce management

Expanding operations or testing a new market often requires agility. Companies might need to scale up or down quickly based on market responses. An EOR provides much-needed flexibility, handling contractual changes, probationary periods or even terminations with efficiency and sensitivity.

Think of a startup venturing into a new region on a pilot basis. As market dynamics shift, they might need to adjust their team size rapidly. Partnering with an EOR allows them to make these adjustments seamlessly, ensuring operational continuity.



We've delved deep into the benefits and challenges of hiring foreign talent in this article. Expanding your business across borders offers great rewards like accessing diverse skills and reaching global markets. However, there are hurdles to navigate, such as legal requirements and managing a diverse team.

This is where an Employer of Record (EOR) can be a game-changer, making international hiring more straightforward. If you want to tap into the global talent pool, let Emerald Technology guide you seamlessly through the process. Get in touch with us today and we'll make your global ambitions a reality together.