Emerald Technology News

10 Ways to Create a Great Company Culture

Written by Mike Jones | May 9, 2023 10:27:42 AM

Creating a thriving company culture drives success, attracts and retains top talent, and fosters a positive work environment. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of company culture, explore strategies for cultivating a vibrant workplace, and discuss the numerous benefits a strong culture offers. Whether you're looking to build your organisation's culture from scratch or enhance your existing one, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you along the way. Join us as we uncover the secrets to creating a great company culture and how Emerald Technology can support your journey.


What is company culture?

At the heart of every organisation lies the company culture - the intricate tapestry of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that unite its members. Like an unseen energy, company culture governs the way employees engage with one another, make choices, and tackle their daily tasks. It's a multifaceted phenomenon, with everything from a company's mission and vision, leadership approaches, communication styles, and even the physical layout of the workspace playing a role in shaping the unique cultural fabric of an organisation.


Top strategies to create a great company culture

Companies should use different strategies to create their own culture, with a common vision at its core. Here we’ll look at the top strategies to help you create a vibrant corporate culture that attracts and retains top talent and discuss the benefits your business will gain.


10 steps to cultivate an excellent company culture

Building a unique company culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring long-term success. Here are ten steps to help you create an outstanding company culture that aligns with your organisation's values and goals.


  1. Define your ideal company culture: Begin by outlining the core values, behaviours, and attitudes that encapsulate your desired company culture. Think about the kind of work environment you want to establish and how you envision employees interacting with one another.

  2. Assess the current company culture: Evaluate your existing company culture and pinpoint the discrepancies between the ideal and current states. Identifying these gaps will reveal the areas in need of improvement.

  3. Involve employees in the process: Engage employees in shaping the company culture by soliciting their input and opinions. This ensures that the culture caters to the needs and preferences of the people who work within the organisation.

  4. Promote work-life balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible work schedules, advocating wellness initiatives, and providing opportunities for employees to rest and rejuvenate.

  5. Communicate expectations clearly: Ensure employees are aware of the behaviours and attitudes valued within the organisation by consistently conveying your expectations.

  6. Prioritise cultural fit during recruitment: When bringing in new employees, emphasise cultural compatibility over skills and experience. This approach ensures that new hires align with the company's values and positively contribute to the company culture.

  7. Implement digital tools and workspaces: Leverage technology to enhance employee communication, collaboration, and productivity. Digital tools can contribute to a more inclusive and engaging work environment.

  8. Acknowledge employee accomplishments: Celebrate and reward employees for their achievements and contributions. Recognition can take various forms, including public praise, bonuses, promotions, or awards.

  9. Emphasise the significance of employees' work: Consistently highlight the importance of employees' work and its contribution to the company's success. This helps employees feel more engaged and motivated in their roles.

  10. Foster relationship-building opportunities: Nurture employees' sense of community and camaraderie by organising team-building events, social gatherings, and other opportunities for employees to connect and forge relationships.


By following these ten steps, you can cultivate a distinctive company culture that promotes employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. A strong company culture will ultimately contribute to the long-term success of your organisation.


What are the benefits?

Great company culture is more than just a desirable perk; it's vital to a thriving business. A positive and strong company culture can profoundly impact employee engagement, productivity, and overall success. In this blog, we'll explore the numerous benefits of cultivating a great company culture and why it should be a top priority for any organisation.

Attracting top talent

One of the most significant benefits of a great company culture is its ability to attract top talent. A positive and inclusive environment appeals to potential employees, making it easier for your company to recruit the best in the industry. As job seekers prioritise company culture over compensation, businesses with appealing company cultures are more likely to secure skilled professionals contributing to the organisation's growth and success.

Boosting employee retention

A great company culture not only attracts top talent but also retains it. Employees who feel valued, supported, and connected to their workplace are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. This reduces turnover rates and the associated costs of recruiting and training new employees, ultimately saving your organisation time and resources.

Enhancing employee engagement

Employees who enjoy a strong company culture tend to be more engaged. Engaged employees are more likely to take ownership of their tasks, collaborate effectively with their peers, and contribute positively to the organisation's success. This increased engagement often leads to higher productivity and improved performance.

Fostering innovation and creativity

A positive company culture encourages employees to think outside the box, take risks, and share their ideas. This environment nurtures creativity and innovation, driving your organisation forward and setting it apart from the competition. By fostering a culture where employees feel safe to express their thoughts and suggestions, your business will benefit from a constant flow of fresh ideas and perspectives.


Improving employee well-being

A great company culture supports employee well-being by promoting a healthy work-life balance, offering mental health resources, and encouraging open communication. When employees feel supported in their personal lives, they are more likely to be happier and healthier, reducing stress and burnout. This increased well-being ultimately contributes to a more positive and productive work environment.

Enhancing customer satisfaction

A strong company culture influences how employees interact with customers, leading to better customer experiences. When employees are happy and engaged, they are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal, repeat customers, and even brand advocates, contributing to your business's growth and success.

Driving organisational success

The company's overall performance improves when employees are motivated, engaged, and working together in a supportive environment. A great company culture lays the foundation for long-term success, as employees feel more connected to the organisation's mission and values, which drives them to work harder and smarter.

Thus, cultivating a great company culture should be a top priority for any business seeking long-term success. By focusing on fostering a welcoming environment, connecting employees, promoting work-life balance, and supporting professional development, companies can reap the numerous benefits of a strong company culture. These benefits ultimately contribute to a more positive work environment, higher employee engagement, and improved organisational performance.


Types of company culture

Organisational culture can be categorised into four primary types based on a company's shared beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Each type has its own unique characteristics:

Collaborative (Clan) Culture

A collaborative culture, also known as clan culture, puts people at the centre and promotes a highly cooperative work environment. This type of culture values open communication, appreciates each individual's contribution and embraces change. It often involves breaking down barriers between leaders and employees and fostering mentorship opportunities.

Innovative (Adhocracy) Culture

Innovative or adhocracy culture is a flexible work environment that thrives on innovation and adaptability. It encourages employees to develop groundbreaking industry solutions by valuing risk-taking, individuality, and creativity. The primary goal of this culture type is to transform new ideas into market growth and overall company success.

Result-Oriented (Market) Culture

A result-oriented or market culture prioritises external achievements over internal satisfaction, focusing on the bottom line. This culture type values meeting quotas, achieving targets, and delivering results. It often entails a degree of separation between executives and employees, where the emphasis is on external success.

Structured (Hierarchy) Culture

A structured or hierarchical culture is a conventional work environment that leans towards risk aversion and has limited room for adaptability and change. This culture type values well-established processes, stability, and consistency. It typically involves a transparent chain of command and multiple levels of separation between executives and employees.


What is toxic company culture?


A detrimental or toxic workplace culture is characterised by an atmosphere laden with unhealthy practices, policies, and management approaches that foster negative habits and discord among team members. This can cause employee unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and elevated attrition rates. Such a toxic work culture often manifests in workplace "ailments" like reduced team cohesion, increased absences and tardiness, diminished productivity, and high employee turnover. 

How to spot the signs of a toxic culture

Be vigilant for these warning signs that indicate an unhealthy work environment:

  • High turnover rates: Frequent departures and a constant need to hire new employees may signal a toxic work environment that people are eager to escape.

  • Poor communication: A lack of transparency, inconsistent messaging, and unresponsive management can lead to confusion and mistrust among employees.

  • Unresolved conflicts: Frequent interpersonal conflicts or cliques among employees, with little effort to address or resolve these issues, can contribute to a toxic atmosphere.

  • Excessive gossip and backstabbing: When employees constantly engage in negative conversations about colleagues or management, it can create a hostile environment that fosters mistrust and insecurity.

  • Low morale and motivation: A toxic culture often results in disengaged employees who lack the enthusiasm and motivation to perform at their best.

  • Micromanagement: Overbearing supervision and a lack of autonomy can stifle creativity, create stress, and create a negative work environment.

  • Unfair treatment: Favouritism, discrimination, or unequal opportunities for growth and advancement can lead to employee resentment.

  • Unethical behaviour: Harassment, dishonesty, or other unethical practices ignored or condoned by management can erode trust and create a toxic culture.

  • Excessive stress and burnout: A work environment characterised by unreasonable demands, constant pressure, and little support can lead to high-stress levels and burnout among employees.

  • Lack of work-life balance: A culture that expects employees to be constantly available, even outside of work hours, can contribute to a toxic environment and negatively impact employees' mental and physical health.


If you notice any of these signs in your company, it's essential to take action to address the issues and create a healthier, more positive work environment for your employees.

A guide for businesses to address a toxic company culture


A toxic workplace culture can have far-reaching consequences for a business, including decreased employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. To transform your company's culture into a more positive and healthy environment, follow these crucial steps:

  1. Acknowledge the problem: Recognise your company's toxic culture and commit to addressing the issues. Ignoring the problem will only perpetuate the negative environment.

  2. Encourage open communication: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and experiences. Establish channels, such as town hall meetings, anonymous feedback platforms, or regular manager check-ins, where employees can freely express their thoughts.

  3. Set clear expectations: Communicate the company's values, goals, and expectations for behaviour. Ensure all employees understand their roles in contributing to a positive work environment.

  4. Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion: Foster a culture of inclusivity by implementing policies and practices that value and respect employees' differences. Provide training and resources to educate employees about diversity and inclusion and encourage open dialogue.

  5. Address unethical behaviour: Establish a zero-tolerance policy for unethical behaviour, harassment, or discrimination. Encourage employees to report such issues and take swift, appropriate action when they arise.

  6. Empower managers: Train and support managers in addressing toxic behaviour and creating a positive work environment. Encourage them to lead by example and create strong relationships with their team members.

  7. Monitor progress: Regularly assess the company culture to ensure that changes are being implemented effectively. Conduct employee surveys, gather feedback, and analyse relevant data to measure progress and identify areas for improvement.

  8. Celebrate success: Acknowledge and reward employees who contribute to a positive company culture. Recognising their efforts will encourage others to follow suit and help to reinforce a healthy work environment.

  9. Be patient: Changing toxic workplace culture is a long-term process that requires time, commitment, and continuous effort. Stay the course, and remember that the transformation will be worth the investment in the long run.


By taking these steps, businesses can successfully address and overcome toxic workplace cultures, ultimately fostering a more positive, productive, and satisfying environment for everyone involved.

Building a great company culture with Emerald Technology


In today's competitive business environment, establishing a great workplace culture is crucial for attracting top talent and ensuring long-term success. Emerald Technology, a global expansion partner, not only assists B2B tech companies find the right talent and navigate international compliance but also plays a vital role in helping their clients build a thriving and inclusive workplace culture.

Here is how partnering with Emerald Technology can benefit your company in creating an exceptional culture that encourages growth and success:

  • Finding the right talent: Emerald's Global Talent Acquisition Service identifies and hires top candidates, aligning their values and skills with your company's culture and goals for a cohesive, productive work environment.

  • Diverse and inclusive workforce: By expanding your talent pool internationally, Emerald Technology enables your business to leverage diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering innovation and dynamic workplace culture.

  • Seamless onboarding and compliance: Emerald Technology's tailored, human-centric onboarding process ensures a smooth transition into your company, handling all aspects of hiring, payrolling, taxes, work permits, and benefits to let your team focus on employee engagement.

  • Ensuring employee satisfaction: With a dedicated 24/7 customer success team, Emerald Technology supports employees throughout their journey, fostering a positive work environment that encourages engagement, motivation, and loyalty.


Ready to build an exceptional workplace culture with the help of Emerald Technology? Contact our team of experts today and explore how we can support your organisation's growth and success.